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Film Screening of "Salt of the Earth," a powerful film about cross-union solidarity


United States

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Register at the link below:
Join the Labor for Black Lives Collective, FreeThemAllWA, and rank-and-file members of AFT 1789 for a film screening of "Salt of the Earth." This powerful, blacklisted film was produced by labor, for labor. It is a testament to the powers of cross-union solidarity.
This event is in solidarity with FreeThemAllWa's organizing for workers at the Bishop Lewis work release site. Due to DOC negligence, 35 of the 49 Bishop Lewis residents have tested positive for COVID-19 (see link below for details and their demands). After the film, we will host a discussion on rank-and-file solidarity and how we can support Bishop Lewis workers in their efforts.
We hope to see you all there! The event will be on Zoom at 6pm. We ask that you register to attend in the link below. We will send a Zoom link to that email:
If you want more details about Bishop Lewis, the link below will take you to a letter to Governor Inslee on the issue. You can also sign onto the letter as an individual or as an organization.
Finally, for a little more background on the film, this excellent article from The Guardian outlines the film's historical significance:

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